The company was founded on December 23, years. In the first years of the company's activity, the main activity was in the field of vertical traffic signalization, after which we reoriented to international transport where we immediately showed a high degree of responsibility and precise business. Partners have recognized this quality and our commitment has become even greater in order to constantly improve the quality of our services.
EUROSCHILD is a company from Cacak, Serbia that deals with the organization of transport and transport of goods in international and domestic traffic, by own vehicles. He also deals with other tasks related to this topic, such as: storage of customs goods in their own, open and closed customs warehouse, distribution from collective transport, and the like. The company's activities include all countries of the European Union. With the quality of our services and proper cooperation, we have gained an enviable number of clients, with the ambition to continue to expand this circle. In such contacts with our international and domestic partners, opportunities for expanding cooperation in the areas of foreign trade, mediation and advocacy are opening up, which we are increasingly insisting on.
Firma "Euroschild" doo, zahvaljujuci savremenosti i kvalitetu voznog parka raspolaže CEMT i pojedinačnim dozvolama svih vrsta tako da uspesno rešavamo kako bilateralne tako i transporte za i iz trećih zemalja.Sva vozila zadovoljavaju potrebne tehničke uslove i poseduju opremu za prevoz opasnih roba prema ADR-u. Takođe svi vozači su stručno osposobljeni za prevoz opasnih materija prema istom sporazumu i njihovo znanje se neprestano uvećava i kontroliše.
Za komitente koji planiraju da transportuju robu koja ima veoma visoku vrednost ili je rizična (cigarete, alkohol,…), a i za svaku drugu robu koju komitenti žele da proprate od utovara, do istovara, imamo sistem za sateliski nadzor vozila , a samim tim i konkretne robe. Sistem je GPS tehnologija. Pomenutim sistemom pokriveni su svi putevi i naseljena mesta u Evropi tako da se u svakom trenutku može dobiti precizna pozicija vozila, odnosno robe koja se transportuje. Komitent dobija link i pristupne podatke, gde može da prati određeno vozilo od utovara do istovara.